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Lewis Kennedy - Talonmore

#35 Reimagining classic cocktails with Talonmore

Play Time:

48 Minutes

A single bottle of Talonmore non-alcoholic spirit on a white background
Podcast cover for Low No Drinker Ep#35 Reimagining classic cocktails with Talonmore

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Quick quotes:

“At every event we do, at least one person would be like “Non-alcoholic! What's the point?” Sometimes, they used to anger me. […] But I can understand where they're coming from. I mean, alcohol in Scotland is important.”

The conversation:

This episode is a meeting of generations and a testament to what low/no-&-light does to bring people together in a whole new world of appreciation for a life less intoxicated.

Lewis Kennedy, 26, is the founder of Talonmore, a Scottish non-alcoholic dark spirit with notes of ginger and fresh Assam Tea.

In this episode, we discuss everything from what’s driving Gen-Z to drink less to how we can create a new drinking experience while still respecting the years of tradition behind the cocktails that the older generation has come to know and love.

Lewis takes us through the inspiration behind the brand and the help he received from his university to make this initial passing brag a reality.

Lewis unveils some plans for the brand with a new release coming soon, and of course, I ask him what he’s bringing to the BBQ.

Despite being hundreds of miles apart, talking to Lewis for this episode was like having a chat with a mate over a pint in a pub, and I cannot wait for you to come and join us.

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