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Colette Safhill- Myth & Goat

#23 Fighting back: Alcoholism, monopolies & love with Myth & Goat founder Colette Safhill

Myth spirits and RTDs on a sandy beach

Play Time:

64 Minutes

Podcast cover for Low No Drinker Ep23 - Myth & Goat founder Colette Safhill

Listen/Watch on all major platforms (and most of the little ones too)

Quick quotes:

"Are you saying that she's not worth a pint?"

"I just don't see how we're supposed to get through that. [...] If you're asking me if I'll still be here this time next year, the answer is I don't know."

The conversation:

It's one thing to launch an alcohol-free brand with no experience of the market or processes involved. It’s quite another to launch two brands at the same time. Yet that is exactly what Myth & Goat founder Colette Safhill did two years ago, and it’s been a wild ride ever since.

Colette’s multi-award-winning drinks are now synonymous with low/no drinking, and you can find Myth popping up on almost every list of ‘my favourite alcohol-free drinks are…’
Goat is an energy drink with a difference. Made with natural ingredients and a drive to serve the everyday person who just needs a bit of help to get through the day.

But it has not been easy. In this very frank conversation, Colette explains how she has put everything on the line, from her health to her home, to make these brands a success and is challenged at every step by the monopolies of big alcohol, red tape, and ‘old boys club’ guards at the door to retail and distribution chains.

If you want to know what it’s really like bringing a brand to market then this is the episode for you.

But don’t let those challenges fool you. Colette still has plans, big plans for both brands; listen in to find out what’s coming next for this international alcohol-free beverage powerhouse!

Colette shares her story, including the loss of her mother to alcohol at a young age and finding the love of her life and why she said ‘no’ when he proposed. There’s a lot to cover in the conversation. Enjoy!

More from Colette & Myth & Goat



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