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Camile Vidal -
La Maison Wellness

In this second episode from the Low No Drinker Podcast, I speak to Camille Vidal, the founder of the mindful drinking platform La Maison Wellness.

Play Time:

38 Minutes

La maison Wellness Logo
Podcast cover for Low No Drinker & Camille Vidal

Listen/Watch on all major platforms (and most of the little ones too)

Quick quotes:

"When it was coming to drinking, it was like Friday night, everyone goes to the pub and there was just no understanding or realisation that it has a huge impact on your health"

"As soon as I put one foot behind the bar and started creating cocktails, it was this epiphany moment when I was like, wow, this is my way of being creative"

"I don't have the time, the space or the capacity in my brain to have a hangover"

"Self-awareness is your superpower"

The conversation:

Cami’s passion for mindful drinking is palpable and her journey from a small family-run theatre bar to international acclaim as one of the most respected voices in our world is a must-listen.

Hear why Cami describes herself as 99% sober, discover what she considers to be her superpower (and yours too) and listen in as she describes her vision of the future of low/no.

Let’s dive in…

More from Cami & La Maisson Wellness:



We also talk about:

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