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Martin Dixon - Alcohol Free World

#28 - 1,500 AF Beers & Counting, with Martin Dixon

Play Time:

70 Minutes

Alcohol Free Worls Logo, white neon on brown
Podcast cover for Low No Drinker Ep #28  Martin Dixon Alcohol Free World of Beers

Listen/Watch on all major platforms (and most of the little ones too)

Quick quotes:

"It's like beery fizzy-pop"

The conversation:

Meet Martin Dixon, our resident beer reviewer at Low No Drinker Magazine, who has meticulously tasted and reviewed over 1,500 alcohol-free beers and ciders on his Instagram page!

His expertise has not only fuelled the magazine's success but also mirrors that of the burgeoning alcohol-free beer market. Join us as Martin shares his journey through alcohol-free beer from the UK to Germany, France and Sweden, with a little stopover in the US for good measure.

That’s right, when Martin says Alcohol-Free World, he really means it!

It started with the last Dry January that Martin participated in and we start the discussion there with an earnest look at how we don’t need to have a sad story to want to reduce the amount of alcohol in our lives.

We touch on a lot of topics in this hour-long conversation, including, of course, ‘big alcohol’s’ grip on the low/no market and how some AF brands can and must do better!

And, of course, I can’t let Martin go without finding out his own BBQ-Q favourites.

It was an honour to have Martin on the show. His beer reviews inside each and every issue of Low No Drinker are as quintessential a part of the magazine as beer at a BBQ.

Settle in and get ready to learn a whole lot more about the world of AF beer.

More from Martin & Alcohol-Free World



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